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The Party Committee, the Government, and the People of Tan Chau town have achieved a multitude of significant accomplishments over the course of the 15-year period of construction and development by fostering the tradition of solidarity

30/07/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - It is the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of Tan Chau town in 2024. The Government Resolution No. 40 on the establishment of Tan Chau town was issued 15 years ago, on August 24, 2009. Tan Chau district was one of the districts that was established.

This is an essential premise for the creation of a new impetus for Tan Chau to rise and develop, deserving of being one of the three socio-economic centers of the province. In response to this requirement, the Party Committee, the Government, and the People of Tan Chau town have promoted the strength of solidarity and unity with high political determination, overcoming difficult circumstances to achieve many important achievements, despite the fact that there are still many difficulties and challenges. 

The urban infrastructure and the appearance of Tan Chau town are becoming increasingly prosperous

The town's economy has consistently grown steadily over the past 15 years by capitalizing on opportunities, surmounting obstacles and challenges, adapting to the local environment, and leveraging development investment resources. The economic structure underwent a positive shift, with the trade-service sector comprising 58.4%, the industry-construction sector comprising 22.4%, and the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector comprising 19.2%. In comparison to 2009, the per capita income increased by 6.25 times to VND 68,330 million in 2023.

Tan Chau town has effectively implemented the urban development program, completed technical infrastructure, prioritized investment in critical projects, ensured cohesion, and promoted the synchronous efficiency of work within the socio-economic infrastructure system. This has created the necessary conditions to facilitate industrialization, modernization of agriculture and rural areas, the development of a variety of services, and the exploitation of the border economy. The town has made significant investments in urban infrastructure and transportation infrastructure over the past 15 years. There are numerous projects that have been completed, including the General Hospital, Children's House, Sports Stadium, and Infrastructure Items of the Vinh Xuong Border-Gate Economic Zone.  Schools, health stations, residential clusters, Vinh An Canal residential line, Tan Chau embankment, and anti-landslide embankment to safeguard the Vinh Xuong border-gate economic zone, as well as working offices, cultural and recreation centers of communes and wards; Upgrade and expand Nguyen Tri Phuong, Nguyen Cong Nhan, and Nguyen Thi Dinh streets; roads behind the Tien River (Long Thanh and Long Son wards); and Than Nong Canal Road (Long Phu ward). The Tan An Bridge and Chau Doc Bridge, in particular, facilitate the rapid transportation of goods from the inland to the border for export to ASEAN countries, thereby facilitating inter-regional traffic. In addition, the route connecting the section from Tan Chau town to Chau Doc city, which connects with Kien Giang and Dong Thap provinces, will contribute to the development of road infrastructure upon its completion. This will establish a solid and stable foundation for comprehensive development in a variety of socio-economic sectors, as well as security and defense.

Mr. Tran Hoa Binh, the former Permanent Deputy Prime Minister of the Politburo, posed for a photograph with the leaders of the province and town

In accordance with the Government's Resolution 146/NQ-CP, dated November 26, 2021, the Vinh Xuong International Road Border Gate was reopened on February 23, 2023, and the Vinh Xuong River International Border Gate was merged into the Vinh Xuong International Road and River Border Gate in An Giang province. The international border gate's announcement has established favorable conditions for the functional agencies and units at Vinh Xuong International Border Gate to manage the export and import of goods, as well as the exit and entry of individuals and businesses within and outside the province. This has contributed to the development of the socio-economy of the town and the province as a whole.

The town prioritizes the upgrade and investment of agricultural and rural infrastructure, electricity, water, and communications, in addition to urban and transport infrastructure. At the present time, the entire commune is equipped with a national grid, telecommunications waves, and a motorway that leads to the center. 

The accomplishments of the previous 15 years show that the agricultural sector continues to be the foundation of the town's economy. The town's agricultural production has consistently evolved in the direction of enhancing productivity and quality by innovating production processes. Numerous businesses and farmers have boldly advocated for the restructuring of crops and livestock in the direction of high technology, resulting in economic efficiency and legitimate enrichment in the countryside as it moves toward the Silk Country. The National Target Program on New Rural Development has yielded remarkable results: In the town, 7 out of 9 communes have met the new rural commune standard, which is equivalent to 77.78%. Of these, 2 communes have achieved the advanced new rural commune standard, which has significantly enhanced the material and spiritual well-being of the population and altered the rural landscape. 

For many years, Tan Chau town has prioritized the development of social welfare infrastructure, particularly in the areas of education and health, in addition to economic development. Throughout the province, the quality of education is unparalleled; the annual rate of students passing universities and colleges consistently exceeds 70%; and the rate of student mobilization to school is consistently greater than 90%. The health and education system has undergone significant development, primarily to address the educational and healthcare requirements of the populace. The percentage of impoverished households decreased from 4.9% in 2009 to 1.07% in 2023. 

The town's culture, athletics, and tourism sectors have also expanded. The populace's cultural aspirations have been met through the construction and investment of cultural institutions. The movement known as "The whole people unite to build a cultural life" is becoming more comprehensive. At present, 92% of households have met the criteria for cultural families, 67/67 hamlets have been awarded cultural titles, 100% of agencies, institutions, and enterprises have met cultural standards, and 02 hamlets have been awarded the "Border Cultural Bright Spot" standard. The development of mass physical training and sports movements is on the rise in order to meet the healthful entertainment preferences of all individuals. The town's tourism industry is experiencing significant growth each year, attracting tens of thousands of tourists who pass through the Vinh Xuong International Border Gate on the Mekong River tourism route.

The Government and the People of Lekdek district, Kandal province (Cambodia), have maintained a friendship, cooperation, and development relationship, which has been bolstered by national defense and security. The management and administration of state administrative agencies have been the focus of administrative reform, with a particular emphasis on digital transformation. The political system at all levels has been consistently consolidated and has better adapted to the demands of the new situation. The lean apparatus was arranged and organized in accordance with the Resolution of the 6th Central Committee (XII term), and it was operated in a manner that was both effective and efficient. Consequently, the desired outcomes were achieved. 

The Town Party Committee is determined to bring Tan Chau into the city

Secretary of Tan Chau Town Party Committee, Mr. Huynh Quoc Thai signed the minutes of handing over the title of Secretary of Tan Chau Town Party Committee to Mr. Nguyen Van Cop, Chief of Office of the Provincial Party Committee

The work of building the Party and the political system in the town has achieved many important results, the Town Party Committee has seriously implemented the Resolutions of the Central Committee, especially Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, dated October 25, 2021, of the Central Committee,  "Regarding promoting the construction and rectification of the Party and the political system; resolutely preventing, repelling and strictly handling cadres and Party members who deteriorate in terms of political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation", which has created a positive change in the awareness and responsibilities of Party committees, organizations, cadres and Party members on the construction work,  rectify the Party in association with promoting "Learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style" according to Directive No. 05-CT/TW, Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo. The content and form of propaganda have been innovated, political-ideological work has been fortified, and combativeness and persuasion have been enhanced. Emphasize the protection of the ideological foundation of the Party by increasing awareness among cadres, Party members, and the general public regarding the conspiracy of "peaceful development" of hostile forces.  

In the new era, prioritize the development of grassroots party organizations and the enhancement of the quality of party members. The contingent of cadres, particularly leaders and managers, has been fully consolidated, possessing the necessary moral qualities and capacity to accomplish the tasks at hand. The focus is placed on the prevention, surveillance, and inspection of corruption and negativity. The tasks of receiving individuals, engaging in dialogue with them, and managing their reflections and proposals are executed in a timely and serious manner to prevent the occurrence of hot spots.

The people's mobilization activity has witnessed numerous transformations, and the people have actively participated in patriotic emulation movements, which have had a positive impact on the development process of a young town. The activities of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations are becoming more grassroots-oriented, and policies regarding ethnicity and religion are of importance. 

The results obtained demonstrate that Tan Chau town has undergone a significant transformation over the past 15 years. From a young town with a low starting point, the Party Committee, the government, and the residents of Tan Chau have fostered the traditions of solidarity, creativity, and initiative.

This has been achieved with the assistance of the Central Government, the province, and the Ministry of Construction. The Ministry of Construction recognized the town on December 19, 2019, one year ahead of the province's schedule, as meeting grade III urban standards. Today, Tan Chau is a vibrant town, with both the urban and rural areas of the border town advancing toward modernity and civilization. This has resulted in an improvement in the material and spiritual well-being of the local populace. 

The town's Party Committee has consistently prioritized practical review, promptly supplementing the views, objectives, and solutions that are realistic, synchronous with the guidelines and resolutions of the superiors, and particularly adept at identifying and creatively applying the lessons learned from the practice of leadership. This has resulted in the accomplishments of today, in particular:   

First and foremost, it is imperative to preserve unity and advance democracy within the Party and in the broader community. Maintain and enhance the quality of Party members, the fighting power of grassroots party organizations, and the leadership capacity on a regular basis. Encourage the government's proactive role in the maintenance of the material and spiritual well-being of the populace. This is a critical factor in the successful implementation of policies and solutions.

Second, adhere to the regulations of the Central Committee and the principles of the Party with utmost rigor. Encourage political and ideological education; enhance the quality and efficacy of learning, ensure a comprehensive understanding, and concurrently fortify the direction of organizing and executing the Party's resolutions and directives.

 Thirdly, the implementation process consistently adheres to and applies the guidelines of the Central Government and the province to the local reality when performing tasks. Maintaining the pioneering, exemplary, political determination, dynamism, creativity, dare to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility of the heads of Party committees at all levels, Party organizations, leaders of agencies, units, and cadres, and Party members. 

 Fourthly, it is imperative to effectively implement the grassroots democracy regulation, expand, and promote the people's right to ownership in order to engage in the construction of the Party and government in the context of leadership and direction. In a practical and effective manner, organize patriotic emulation movements, promote democracy, and strengthen the great unity of the entire nation.

 Fifthly, strict adherence to discipline is imperative. Enhance the inspection, supervision, preliminary, and final review processes; provide timely encouragement and rewards to disseminate best practices, new models, and examples. 

The Party Committee of Tan Chau Town, in order to advance its accomplishments, determined that the primary and transparent responsibility of the entire political system is to continue to construct and develop Tan Chau Town into one of the three major economic centers of the province. The town will concentrate on leading and directing the new journey to bring Tan Chau to rapid and sustainable development, as well as effecting significant changes in all aspects of socio-economics, defense, and security. Additionally, the town will establish a political system. In particular, focus on performing tasks such as:

Socio-economic: Emphasize the implementation of breakthroughs and critical areas, including the enhancement and expansion of urban space and the construction of infrastructure. Focus on infrastructure investment that aligns with the criteria for the establishment of the divisions of Long An, Phu Vinh, Tan An, Vinh Hoa, and Vinh Xuong. Specifically, cultivate human resources that are of the highest quality. To prioritize the development of critical industries, as well as the promotion of trade, services, and tourism. In order to adapt to climate change, the agricultural sector must be developed in the direction of high-tech agriculture and organic agriculture, which are linked along the value chain and associated with the consumption market. The town will complete the mission of building a new countryside by the end of 2025, with the vision that 100% of communes will satisfy the standards of advanced new rural communes by 2035. To guarantee substance, the National Target Program on Building a New Country will continue to be implemented.

Make the most effective use of external resources for development investment by proactive seizing opportunities, making good use of available potentials and advantages, and mobilizing all resources to invest in the development of the socio-economic infrastructure system. Encourage, advocate for, and draw investment to the region, particularly in the development of new urban areas. Maintaining a consistent focus on the removal of obstacles and challenges, the establishment of conducive business environments, the encouragement of start-ups, and the expediting of the implementation and progress of projects and works. It is suggested that the province upgrade and expand arterial traffic routes in the near future and that the Central Government invest in the Tan Chau-Hong Ngu Bridge to attract investment and socio-economic development.

To effectively execute the responsibility of fundamentally and comprehensively renovating education and training. Enhance the quality of vocational training, generate employment opportunities, and sustainably mitigate poverty. Effectively execute social security policies.  Preserving and promoting cultural and historical values, as well as engaging in socio-cultural development. Enhance the quality of healthcare for individuals.  Enhance the management, exploitation, use, and protection of natural resources and the environment; proactively prevent and control natural disasters and respond to climate change; fortify national defense and security; maintain social order and safety, traffic safety, and border security; promote administrative reform, strengthen internal affairs, prevent corruption, and promote external affairs.

During the construction of the political system and the party: focus on enhancing the leadership capacity and fighting power of party committees, organizations, and members. Ensure that the Party's regulations on setting an example are well-implemented, particularly by leaders and heads. Perform well in ideological work, establishing a high level of consensus on the implementation of local political tasks. Enhance the Party's leadership in the mobilization of the populace. Encourage the role of social supervision and criticism of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels; effectively implement democratic regulations at the grassroots; and adhere to speech regulations.

In conjunction with the implementation of the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee on strengthening construction, rectifying the Party, and preventing and repelling the deterioration of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally, the Politburo should continue to seriously implement Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated May 18, 2021, which outlines the continuation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW, which promotes "learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style." Continuously enhance and innovate the organizational framework of the lean political system to ensure its efficient and effective operation. Concentrate on the development of a cadre of cadres at all levels and in leadership positions who possess the necessary quality, capacity, and prestige to perform the assigned duties. Enhance the effectiveness and efficacy of power control, party discipline, inspection, and supervision. Intensifying efforts to prevent and repel corruption, waste, and negativity. Enhance the caliber of Party members, the fighting power of grassroots Party organizations, and the leadership capacity; foster and safeguard dynamic and creative cadres for the common welfare.

Tan Chau town has been catching up with the upward development of the province and the country after 15 years of establishment and development. The Party Committee and the residents of the town have made significant strides in recent years, which is a seamless continuation of the illustrious traditions that have been established and developed over the course of more than two centuries. This further solidifies the traditional values that have been cultivated and upheld by the generations of fathers and cadres, party members, and the residents of the town. The Party Committee and the town's residents are resolute in their commitment to successfully execute political responsibilities and transform Tan Chau into a city, as outlined in the Resolution of the Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term, in light of the accomplishments that have been made and the town's position and strength in previous historical journeys.

Translator: Kim Thuan

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The Party Committee, the Government, and the People of Tan Chau town have achieved a multitude of significant accomplishments over the course of the 15-year period of construction and development by fostering the tradition of solidarity
