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An Giang Department of Construction

18/11/2018 |

Address: 01 Tran Hung Dao Street, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province Phone number: (0763) 852105 - 3957567; Fax: 0763.856513 Email: soxaydung@angiang.gov.vn; Web: soxaydung.angiang.gov.vn

Position, function

1. Department of Construction is the specialized agency of the Provincial People's Committee which has the function of counseling and helping the Provincial People's Committee in performing the state management of the sectors: construction; architecture, construction plannings; urban infrastructure, industrial zones, export processing zones, economic zones, high-tech zones (including urban transport infrastructure, water supply, drainage, sewage treatment, public lighting, green parks, cemeteries, urban solid waste, industrial zones, export processing zones and economic zones, high-tech zones); urban development; housing and offices; real estate business; building materials; public services in the fields of state management of the Department; performing other tasks and powers under the decentralized authorization of the Provincial People's Committee and in accordance with the law.

2. Department of Construction has legal entity, its own seal and account; under the direction and management of the organization, staffing and operation of the Provincial People's Committee, concurrently subject to the direction, guidance, inspection about the professional competence of the Ministry of Construction.

 Duties and authority

1. To submit to the Provincial People's Committee.

a) Draft decisions, instructions, documents to assign the allocation and delegation of authority in the fields of state management of the Department under the responsibility and authority of the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Draft development planning, long-term plans, 5-year and every year, programs, projects, important works in the fields of state management of the Department in accordance with the overall planning for economic development - local society, regional planning, national development planning of branch and speciality;

c) Draft programs, measures to implement the tasks of state administrative reform in the fields of state management of the Department in the province, ensuring the consistence with the objectives and content of the overall state administrative reform program of the Provincial People's Committee;

d) Draft legal documents to specify the criteria for granting the title of chief, deputy of the units under the Department; Chief and Deputy Chief of Urban Management Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau under People's Committee of provinces, districts, towns, cities (hereinafter collectively referred to as district-level People's Committee) after coordinating, being consistent with the Departments of related management sectors.

2. To the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

a) Draft decisions, instructions and other documents issued under the authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on the state management of the Department;

b) Draft decision on establishment, merger, separation, reorganization, dissolution of the units under the Department in accordance with the law.

3. Guide, inspect and take responsibility for organizing the implementation of legal documents, regulations, standards, development planning, plans, programs, projects approved under the state management of the Department; propaganda, dissemination, legal education and information about the state management of the Department.

4. About construction.

a) Guide and supervise the implementation of the provisions in the construction field, including the stages of setting up and managing the implementation of investment projects in work building, survey, design, construction, building checking and taking over (in terms of volume, quality), handover, warranty, construction maintenance as dissolved and assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Grant, renew, adjust, revoke construction permits and inspect the construction work under the license granted in the province in accordance with the law; guide, inspect the district-level People's Committee and People's Committee of communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as the commune-level People's Committee) in granting, extending, adjusting and revoking construction licenses as assigned;

c) Guide, supervise the implementation of the provisions of the law on individuals’ conditional capacity of practicing building and organizations’ conditions of capacity-building activities (including foreign contractors, organizations of foreign consultants, foreign expert consultants) engaging in construction activities in the province; monitor, validate, integrate, inform the capacity of organizations and individuals engaging in construction activities in the province;

d) Grant and manage a practicing certificate in construction activities in accordance with the law;

đ) Guide, check the selection of contractors in construction activities in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code and the law on bidding for the construction investment projects under the management jurisdiction of the Provincial People's Committee;

e) Assist the Provincial People's Committee in implementing the duties of state management of the quality of construction in the province; notify the Provincial People's Committee of the assignment, decentralization of state management of the quality of construction in the province; guide, inspect the quality control of construction works for the Departments which has managed specialized construction works, the district-level People's Committee, and People's Committee of communes, townships and organizations and individuals engaging in building construction in the province;

g) Examine, inspect activities of the building-specialized laboratory (LAS-XD) in the province, report results of the examination, inspection and recommend violation handling (if any) with the Ministry of Construction prescribed by the law;

h) Monitor, synthesize, report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Construction on the management of the quality of construction and the quality of the construction of the ministries, branches, organizations and individuals which invest in construction in the province;

i) Implement the assessment of the quality of construction works, assessment of the construction incidents decentralized and assigned by the Provincial People's Committee; monitor, synthesize and report on the construction incidents in the province;

k) Guide the establishment and management of the investment cost of construction in the province; establish for the Provincial People's Committee or Department’s announcement in accordance with the decentralization of unit price collection, the price of construction equipments, building materials, cost of construction surveys, experiments price materials and building structures, construction survey, material experiments and building components, norm estimation of specific works in the construction projects in the province which are not yet in the construction norms announced by the Ministry of Construction; advise and recommend to the Provincial People's Committee to guide the application or use of norms, construction unit price, construction price index, capital productivity for construction investment projects using the local budget;

l) Instruct participants in construction activity in the province to implement the provisions of the law on contracts in construction activities;

m) Guide and organize the document submission and archives, survey documents, construction design, records, document of complete works under the jurisdiction of the Provincial People's Committee in accordance with the law;

n) Evaluate the basic design of the investment projects for civil works, infrastructure, decentralized industry of building materials; guide, inspect the evaluation of investment projects of construction, technical design, construction drawing design and estimation of the construction cost according to the regulations on management of construction investment projects;

o) Appraise the construction investment project of new urban areas in the province for the Provincial People's Committee to submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and permission of investment or Provincial People's Committee considers and allows investment according to authority; organize the evaluation of construction investment projects in residential construction in the province to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and investment approval.

5. About architecture, construction planning: Regional construction planning, urban construction planning, construction planning of the rural population, construction planning of industrial zones, export processing zones, economic zones, high-tech zones, construction planning of the important international border:

a) Guide, examine and implement the regulations and standards of architecture, construction planning, regulations in the formulation, evaluation, approval of construction planinng projects;

b) Establish and evaluate the Regulations on management of urban architecture level I; guide and coordinate with the district-level People's Committee in the establishment and evaluation of the Regulations on management of urban architecture level II; guide and supervise the implementation of the Regulations on management of urban architecture after being approved by the authority;

c) Establish, appraise, submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval, or establish for the Provincial People's Committee to submit to the authority for evaluation and approval of the construction planning projects in the province under the provisions of the law;

d) Guide district-level People's Committee in formulation, evaluation and approval of construction planning projects in the district as decentralized; guide the People's Committee of commune in establishment of construction planning projects of rural population in the commune;

đ) Manage and implement the construction planning which has been approved by the province as decentralized, including announcing and publicizing the construction planning; manage boundaries, construction marks, reinforced construction; certify construction planning, introduce construction sites; provide information about the architecture, construction planning;
e) Guide and supervise the implementation of the provisions of the law on conditions for practicing as architects, capacity requirements of individuals and organizations involved in designing construction planning in the province.

6. About urban infrastructure, industrial zones, export processing zones, economic zones, high-tech zones, including transportation infrastructure in urban areas; water supply, sewerage, sewage disposal, lighting, green parks, cemeteries, urban solid waste, industrial zones, export processing zones, economic zones, high-tech zone (referred to as the lower technical infrastructure).

a) Host and coordinate with relevant agencies to develop mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources, encourage and facilitate social investment in development, management, exploitation and provision of technical services; implement after it is approved and issued by the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Implement plans, programs and projects to develop and improve effective management of technical fields, the norms in the field of technical infrastructure in the tasks of socio-economic development of the locality approved by the authority;

c) Guide to check and organize the implementation of the standard rules in the field of technical infrastructure, regulations on establishment, appraisal, approval of the specialized projects about infrastructure such as water supply planning, drainage planning, solid waste management planning...;

d) Establish, appraise specialized planning of technical approval under the authority of Provincial People's Committee in accordance with the law; manage and implement planning after approved;

đ) Guide the establishment and management of costs of technical services; establish for the Provincial People's Committee to publish or issue the norm estimation of technical services in the province which is not yet in the norm estimation announced by the Ministry of Construction, or did not match the technical processes and specific local conditions; counsel, propose to the Provincial People's Committee to guide the application or manipulation of the norm, the unit cost of infrastructure service in the province and an estimation cost of technical services using local budget;

e) Instruct, inspect, synthesize the situation of investment management in construction, exploitation, use, maintenance, servicing, repair of infrastructure projects in the province as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

g) Perform the duties of managing the construction investment of infrastructure in the province in accordance with the law and assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

h) Build and manage the database system, provide information about the field of technical infrastructure in the province.

7. About urban development.

a) Plan the development of the municipality, the concentrated population points (including industrial settlement, rural settlement) in the province, ensure the strategic fit, the general planning for the development of national urban system, construction planning of inter-province areas which has been approved by the Prime Minister; implement after approved by the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Host, cooperate with relevant agencies to build the mechanisms, policies, solutions to attract, mobilize the resources to invest in construction and develop the synchronic urban areas, the new urban pattern, policies, solutions for the process of urbanization, urban management models; implement after approved and issued by the Provincial People's Committee;

c) Implement programs, projects of urban development which have been approved by the authority as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee Chairman such as the urban upgrade program, historic urban conservation and embellishment; the projects to improve the urban environment, strengthen urban management; the projects to develop new urban areas...;

d) Implement the evaluation and classification of municipalities annually under the criteria as regulated by the Government and prepare records to submit to the authorities for the decision of the type recognization of municipality in the province;
đ) Instruct, inspect the investment activities of construction, urban development, exploitation and use of urban construction land use according to the approved planning, the implementation of new urban regulations; guide the management of urban construction order;

e) Host, cooperate with the relevant agencies in organizing activities to promote investment in urban development; organize advocacy, exploitation, coordination of domestic and external resources for the construction investment and development of urban system in the province as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

g) Build and manage the database system, provide information about the situation of urban development in the province.

8. About housing and offices.

a) Develop housing development programs in the province, housing development targets and plans of social housing development in the task of socio-economic development of the province in each stage; implementat after approved by the authority;

b) Host, cooperate with relevant agencies to establish, appraise construction planning of public system of state administrative agencies, office of the state-owned agencies, socio-political organizations, public service units in the province; direct the implementation after approved by the Provincial People's Committee;

c) Guide and inspect the implementation of the housing building standards, public offices, the headquarters; guide the classification, template design, typical designs, regulations, use, warranty, maintenance of housing, offices, headquarters in the province;

d) Host, collaborate with the Department of Finance and Building, submit to the Provincial People's Committee to issue price list for public housing for rent, rental price, social housing leasing, rental price, the sale price of housing state-owned applicable in the province;

đ) Implement the tasks on the sale of state-owned housing under the provisions of Decrees No. 61/CP dated 5 July 1994 and no. 21/CP dated 16 April 1996 from the government about buying and selling and trading houses; implement support regimes to improve housing for people with meritorious services in accordance with the law;

e) Issue the certificate of house ownership, ownership of the construction works in accordance with the law; instruct, inspect the district-level People's Committee in the grant of the house ownership certificate, ownership of construction works according to the hierarchy; synthesize the situation of registration, shifting ownership of housing, ownership of the construction works in the province;

g) Host, cooperate with the relevant agencies in organizing the investigation, statistics, periodic assessment on housing and public offices in the province; build, manage database and provide information about housing, public offices, the headquarters of state-owned work in the province.

9. About the real estate business.

a) Host, cooperate with relevant agencies to build the mechanisms, development and management policies of real estate market, measures aimed at transparency trading activities, real estate business in the province; implementat after approved and issued by the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Guide the regulations of real estate put into business; capacity conditions of investors to new urban projects, housing projects, infrastructure projects in industrial zones; house and building purchase activity; the transfer of new urban project, residential projects, infrastructure projects, infrastructure projects in industrial zones; real estate business services;
c) Appraise documents for the transfer of whole new urban projects, housing projects, infrastructure projects in industrial zones for the Provincial People's Committee to submit to the Prime Minister for permission of the project transfer under the authority;

d) Inspect the training activities, fostering knowledge of the real estate broker, real estate appraiser, management of real estate transaction; issue and manage the certificate of real estate brokerage and appraiser;

đ) Monitor, synthesize situation, build the information system of real estate market, business, business services in the province;

e) Inspect, examine and handle violation of the real estate business, the real estate business services under the provisions of the law.

10. About building materials.

a) Establish, appraise the provincial development planning of building materials in accordance with national overall development planning of building materials, the regional development planning of the building materials, development of major building materials; manage and implement the planning after Provincial People's Committee approval;

b) Manage and implement the planning of exploration, mining, mineral processing to manafacture building materials, raw materials for cement production which was approved by the province in accordance with the law;

c) Instruct evaluation activities, evaluation of mining technology, mineral processing to manafacture building materials, raw materials for cement production; production technology of building materials; product quality of building materials;

d) Appraise investment projects in mining, mineral processing to manafacture building materials, raw materials for cement production as decentralized by the Government and assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

đ) Guide, inspect and implement the technical regulations, the provisions on safety, occupational hygiene activities in mining, mineral processing; building material production;

e) Instruct the provisions of the law on building material trading for organizations and individuals involved in trading of building materials in the province as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;

g) Control the quality of the products, goods and building materials which are produced, circulated and put to use in the construction of the province under the provisions of the law;

h) Monitor, synthesize the situation in investment, mining, mineral processing to manafacture building materials, raw materials for cement production, the building material production of organizations and individuals in the province.

11. Instruct, inspect the operation of the public service organizations in the fileds of the Department’s management; manage, direct and implement the mechanisms of self-reliance, self-responsibility for public service organizations under the Department in accordance with the law.

12. Assist the Provincial People's Committee in the governance for enterprises, collective economic organizations, the private sector and guide, inspect the operation of the non-governmental organizations in the field of state management of the Department in the province under the provisions of the law.

13. Implement international cooperation in the felids of management of the Department as regulated by law, assigned or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee.

14. Build, direct and implement research plans, apply the advanced science, technology, environmental protection; cbuild the information system, materials to serve the governance and operational expertise, profesional competence of the Department delivered in accordance with the law.

15. Instruct expertise, professional competence in the field of governance of the Department with respect to the Urban Management Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau of the district-level People's Committee and the specialized and professional officials of the Land and House – Construction under the People's Committee in communes; guide inspection for construction inspector under the district-level People's Committee.

16. Inspect, check for organizations, individuals in the enforcement of the laws in the construction industry, handle violations under the authority or the competent authority; resolve the disputes, complaints and accusations, make anti-corruption, waste in the fields of governance of the Department under the provisions of the law or assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

17. Monitor, synthesize, periodiccally report every 6 months, 1 year and unscheduled report on the task implementation to the Provincial People's Committee, the Ministry of Construction and other authorized bodies in accordance with the law; report, synthesize statistics in construction industry as prescribed by the Ministry of Construction and assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

18. Prescribe functions, duties, rights and organizational structure of the Office, the Inspection, the specialized departments and the profesional and business units directly under the Department; manage organizational structure, staffing, salary regimes, reward, remuneration, discipline and other modes, different policies with respect to public servants, officials, officers in the scope of management of the Department; organize training and upgrading of professional competence in respect of public servants, officials, officers within the Department's management under the provisions of the law.

19. Manage allocated finance, asset and implement the state budget allocated in accordance with the law and the hierarchy of the Provincial People's Committee.

20. Perform other duties as assigned, decentralized or delegated by the Provincial People's Committee.
Organizational structure

1.  Head of the Department
-   Director                                Nguyễn Việt Trí
-   Deputy Director                   Vũ Xuân Bình
-   Deputy Director                   Mai Anh Dũng
-   Deputy Director                   Nguyễn Ngọc Vệ
-   Deputy Director                   Nguyễn Bảo Trung

2. Speacilzied offices (and equivalent):

- Office;
- Inspection;
- Management of Operational Construction Office;
- Economic Construction Office;
- Architecture, Construction Planning Office;
- Infrastructure Office;
- Urban Development Office;
- Management of Housing and Real Estate Market Office.

3. Business units directly under the Department.
- Building Auditing and Consultancy Center;
(by decision No. 13/2009/QD-UBND dated 15//2009UBND An Giang Province)

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An Giang Department of Construction
