Welcome to An Giang Province's Portal


18/11/2018 |

OFFICE OF PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF AN GIANG PROVINCE Address: 16C Ton Duc Thang, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen city Web site: http://vpubnd.angiang.gov.vn/ Email: vpubnd@angiang.gov.vn . Tel Fax

Position and Functions

1.    The Office of the People's Committee of An Giang province is a specialised agency equivalent to a provincial department and a supporting body affiliated to the Provincial People’s Committee and the Chairman (including the Vice-Chairmen of the Provincial People's Committee) under the directions, guidance, and professional inspection of the Office of the Government.

2.    The office has its advisory duty in order to assist the Provincial People’s Committee to hold joint activities of the committee and to assist the Chairman as well as the Vice-Chairmen to direct and manage the joint activities of the local administrative authorities; to assure the provision of the information for the purposes of guidance and management of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Chairman, and information for the public as prescribed by law; to assure working conditions and facilities for the Provincial People’s Committee and the Chairman.

3.    The office is located on 16C Ton Duc Thang Street, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province and has its legal status with its own seal and an account in the Vietnam State Treasury.
Missions and authorities
The office performs the duties and authorities as stipulated in the Decree No.13/2008/ND-CP dated 04/02/2008 by the Government, the Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-VPCP-BNV dated 26/01/2011, and the Joint Circular No.02/20112TTLT-VPCP-BNV dated 28/01/2011 of the Office of the Government and the Ministry of Home Affairs as follows:

1.    Advising and assisting the People’s Committee of An Giang province in:

a.    Establishing and managing work agenda of the Provincial People’s Committee as prescribed by law.

b.    Supervising and speeding up other provincial departments and agencies equivalent to a provincial department of the Provincial People’s Committee (hereinafter referred to as departments), People’s Committees at district, town, and city levels (hereinafter referred to as the district-level People's Committees), other relevant agencies and organisations involved in implementing the work agenda and regulations of the Provincial People’s Committee.

c.    Regularly cooperating with other involved departments, district-level People’s Committees, agencies, and organisations to prepare and complete programs, projects, and draft legal documents to be submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision as prescribed by law.

d.    Verifying the process and procedures to prepare for and to obtain independent evaluations on programs, projects, draft legal documents, important reports as stated in the work agenda of the Provincial People’s Committee, and other tasks submitted by provincial departments, agencies, district-level People’s Committees, and organisations to the Provincial People’s Committee

e.    Establishing programs, projects, draft legal documents, and reports as assigned by the Provincial People’s Committee

f.    Controlling the administrative procedures, receiving feedback, and coping with complaints and recommendations of individuals and organisations on administrative regulations under the jurisdiction of the People’s Committee and the Chairman of the Committee as prescribed by law.

g.    Chairing and coordinating with other departments, district-level People's Committees, involved agencies and organisations in preparing the content for regular and fortuitous meetings, and other symposia of the Provincial People's Committee as well as meetings of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

h.    Chairing, adjusting, and coordinating with the involved agencies in the reception of citizens at the Headquarters of the Provincial People’s Committee; managing and ensuring working conditions and facilities for the Headquarters for the receptions of provincial citizens.

2.    Advising and assisting the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee in:

a.    Establishing and presenting to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee the the work agenda for the periods of one year, six months, a quarter, a month, and a week of the Chairman for approval and supervising the work agenda implementation; proposing to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee central tasks and focuses for further concentration and directions for provincial departments, district-level People's Committees, other involved agencies, and organisations in certain periods of time.

b.    Proposing to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to assign tasks to departments, district-level People's Committees, involved agencies and organisations in developing mechanism, policies, programs, projects, and draft legal documents to present to the authorities for decisions.

c.    Verifying the process and procedures to prepare for and to obtain independent evaluation of programs, projects, draft documents, reports of the work agenda of the Chairman and the other tasks to be submitted to the Chairman by departments, district-level People's Committees, other involved agencies, and organisations.

d.    Chairing and coordinating with other departments, district-level People's Committees, other involved agencies, and organisations to finalise the content, procedures, documents, and draft legal documents to be submitted to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committees for consideration and approval of frequent tasks.

e.    Chairing and working with leaders of the involved agencies, organisations, and individuals to resolve the issues, on which departments and district-level People's Committees still obtain different opinions, within the authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and as authorised by the Chairman.

f.    Chairing the tasks in drafting, editing, or finalising draft reports and important speeches of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

g.    Assisting the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to direct the implementation of joint working regulations among the Provincial People's Committee, the units of the Party, the People's Council, the Fatherland Front Committee, and socio - political organisations, the People's Court, and the People's Procuratorate of the province.

h.    Assisting the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to inspect the task implementations of the provincial departments, the People's Council, the district-level People's Committees, other involved agencies, and organisations under the authority of the Chairman in order to report and propose to the Chairman the essential measures to speed up the implementation and to ensure the obedience of the administrative regulations.

i.    Requesting the departments, the People's Council, the district-level People's Committees, and the involved agencies and organisations to report the implementation of the directive and administrative documents directed by the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman.

j.    Requesting the departments, the People's Council, the district-level People's Committees, other involved agencies and organisations to provide related materials, data, and documents or to attend meetings to obtain understanding of the circumstances for further directions and administration of the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman.

3.    Ensuring the information for the purposes of leadership, directions, and administration of the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman.

a.    Performing both periodic and fortuitous reports to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; informing the members of the Provincial People's Committee, the Heads of the agencies of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the People's Council, People's Committees at district level, the bodies of the Party and the State, and other involved agencies and organisations about the local socio - economic states, the activities of the Provincial People's Committee, the leadership, directions, and administration of  the Chairman of the Committee.

b.    Informing the public about the main activities and the important decisions of the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman; the socio-economic and political highlights which concern the pubic as prescribed by law and as directed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

c.    Performing speaking tasks of the provincial People’s Committee as prescribed by law

d.    Managing, publishing, and distributing the Official Gazette of the province.

e.    Managing and maintaining the computer networks of the Provincial People's Committee

f.    Managing operation and activities of the web portal of the Office of the Provincial People's Committee

4.    Ensuring the working conditions and facilities of the Provincial People’s Committee

5.    Processing and issuing documents under the authority of the Office of the Provincial People's Committee as prescribed by law

6.    Organising and managing documents released by the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman.

7.    Summarising and providing specialised guidance about office work for the offices of the departments, the Office of the People's Committees at district level.

8.    Conducting research, the implementation, and application of scientific research

9.    Managing the organisation and personnel; implementing the wage, remuneration, reward, and penalisation policies; training and reinforcing professional skills for officials, civil servants, and employees of the Office of the Provincial People's Committee.

10.    Managing the allocated budget and properties as prescribed by law and as classified by the Provincial People's Committee

11.    Performing other duties and authorities as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman or as prescribed by law.


1.    Heads and Deputy Heads of the Office
Chief of the Office: Võ Nguyên Nam
Deputy Chiefs of the Office
- Võ Hùng Dũng
- La Phước Kiên
- Thái Thuý Xuân
- Phạm Sơn

2. Organisation of the Office
a. Division of Administration
    Office of Organisation and Administration
    Office of Accounting
    Office of Reception of Citizens
b. Division of Research and Synthesis
    Office of Synthesis
    Office of Economy
    Office of Investment and Construction
    Office of Culture and Society
    Office of Internal Affairs
    Office of Administrative Inspection
c.    Units
    Center of Press and Information Technology
    Guesthouse (established if applicable)
In accordance with Decision No. 02/02/2012 of the People’s Committee of An Giang province

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