Welcome to An Giang Province's Portal


18/11/2018 |

DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Address: 01 Lê Hồng Phong, Mỹ Bình Ward, Long Xuyên City, An Giang Province Tel: (076) 3956898 Fax: (076) 3 956898 Email: sotttt@angiang.gov.vn Website: http://sotttt.angiang.gov.vn


The Department of Information and Communications is a specialised agency of the People's Committee of An Giang province and has the functions of advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management about press; publishing; posts and delivery; telecommunications and internet; broadcasting; radio frequency; information technology, electronics; radio and television broadcasting system; information and communications infrastructure; advertisements in newspapers, computer network and publications (hereinafter referred to as information and communication); public services under the jurisdiction of the Department; performing tasks and authorities as assigned or authorised by the Provincial People's Committee and as prescribed by law.

Missions and authorities

1.    To submit to the Provincial People's Committee:

a.    Draft long-term development plans such as 5-year and annual programs, other programs and projects on information and communication; programs and measures for State administrative reform, classifications and socialisation in management in the allocated areas under the jurisdiction of the State.

b.    Draft decisions and directives issued under the authority of the Provincial People's Committee in the fields of information and communication;

c.    Draft regulations on the standards of titles for Heads and Deputy Heads of the units within the Department; Department Heads and Deputy Heads; Division of Culture and Information of district-level People's Committees, after coordination and agreement with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

2.    To submit to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee:

a.    Draft decisions and directives issued under the authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the field of information and communication;

b.    Draft decisions on establishment, merger, and dissolution of units of the Department as prescribed by law;

3.    Directing and inspecting the implementation of approved legal documents, development plans, programs, projects, national standards, and economic- technological norms on information and communication; implementation of tasks on informing and disseminating work agenda, law education in the fields under the jurisdiction of the Department.

4.    About press (including print, radio and television, and Internet media):

a.    Providing guidelines and implementation of the law and regulations on press activities in the local area.
b.    Inspecting and managing local deposited journals
c.    Granting and revoking newsletter operating licenses for agencies and organisations in the province
d.    Replying to the request for press conferences for local agencies and organisations
e.    Receiving, evaluating, and submitting dossiers to the authorities for issuing journalist cards, journalism license as well as licenses for releases in press and other information as prescribed by law for local press agencies and other organisations;
f.    Considering issuing permission for out-of-province press agencies to establish representative offices, liaison offices, and permanent agencies in the province.
g.    Implementing career development plans for local radio and television professions following the approval
h.    Managing the use of live broadcast receivers from satellites to the agencies, organisations, and individuals in the province as prescribed by law.

5.    About Publications

a.    Evaluating applications for establishing publishers of the provincial organisations and agencies in order for the Provincial People's Committee to request the Ministry of Information and Communications for the license as prescribed by law;

b.    Granting and revoking the licenses to publish non-commercial materials of local agencies, organisations, branches, representative offices, and units under the Central agencies and offices in the local area; granting and revoking licenses to import non-commercial publications of agencies, organisations, and individuals in the local area; granting and revoking operating licenses for local press agencies in printing and processing publications for foreign agencies as prescribed by the Publication Act

c.    Granting and revoking licenses for publication exhibitions and fairs; temporarily suspending publication exhibitions and fairs of agencies, organisations, and individuals licensed by local authorities;

d.    Managing of publication deposit and organising reading deposited publications licensed by the local authorities; inspecting and dealing with publications which violate the law.

e.    Inspecting and examining the implementation and obedience of Publication Act; coping with complaints and denunciations; handling violations in publishing activities in local areas;

f.    Temporarily suspending publication printing activities or suspending printing publications in local areas which violate the Publication Act, and report to the Minister of Information and Communications as well as the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; temporarily suspending the releases distributed by local publication agencies if violations of the Publication Act are detected;

g.    Destroying publications that violate the law as decided by the authorities.

6.    About posts and delivery

a.    Guiding, inspecting, and organising the implementations of safety and security in postal and delivery operations in the province as prescribed by law

b.    Coordinating with relevant agencies to examine the implementations of the regulations about standards and quality in the field of post and delivery in the province
c.    Confirming permission for business operations by written documents for delivery agencies in the province;
d.    Granting, elaborating, or revoking business licenses of mail delivery services under the jurisdiction of the Department;
e.    Cooperatively implementing state management task of postal stamps in the local area.

7.    About Telecommunications and Internet

a.    Guiding, inspecting, and organising the implementation of safety in telecommunications networks and information security in the province as prescribed by law
b.    Coordinating with relevant agencies to inspect the implementation of regulations on pricing, standards, and quality in the field of telecommunications and Internet in the province as prescribed by law;
c.    Monitoring the inspection on the activities and penalising telecommunications and internet enterprises and agencies as well as the users in the province if law violations are detected, as prescribed by law and authorised by the Ministry of Information and Communications
d.    Assisting provincial telecommunications enterprises to complete the construction procedures for telecommunication stations licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communications, in accordance with the local development plans and law
e.    Coordinating with the functional units of the Ministry of Information and Communications to participate in some stages in the process of licensing, resolving disputes on joint connectivity and infrastructure use
f.    Directing the Division of Culture and Information to inspect the activities and deal with law violations of provincial Internet agencies and users as prescribed by law.

8.   About Information technology and electronics
a.    Organising the implementation of programs, projects and plans in applying information technology; mechanisms, and policies to develop hardware, software, electronic and digital content industries as well as information technology services; constructing and managing the focused area in information technology; developing lists and regulations on using national database and regulations to manage investments in information technology in the province following the approval;
b.    Organising implementations, periodic reports, comprehensive assessment of the implementation of plans in applying information technology in the activities of public agencies in the province
c.    Forming regulations in applying information technology in local areas
d.    Developing plans for training and developing human resource in information technology in the province and implementation of the training plan following the approval
e.    Organising and guiding the implementations of regulations on information technology security under the jurisdiction of the Department
f.    Organising and guiding implementations of projects in applying information technology to serve the purposes of collecting, storing, and processing data for the directions and administration of the provincial leaders;
g.    Developing regulations in management, operation, technical assurance, and information security; directing the use of information infrastructure for the administration and operation of the Provincial People's Committee
h.    Developing or maintaining, upgrading, ensuring technology and information security for the operation of electronic information page (e.g. websites, portals) of the Provincial People's Committee; Directing units in the province to unify connection and to provide information and public services in the province as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee
i.    Conducting surveys, investigation, and statistics about the application and development of the information technology industry; building a database system about local products and business for periodic reports as assigned;
j.    Performing the duties of the units in charge of information technology in the province

9.    About advertising in newspapers, computer network and publications

a.    Guiding the implementation of advertising in newspapers, on the computer network and publications under the Department’s jurisdiction

b.    Inspecting, examining, and handling law violations of the agencies, organisations, and individuals advertising in newspapers, on computer network, and publications under the Department’s jurisdiction.

10.    About broadcasting radio frequency

a.    Guiding and examining the implementation of allocated channels for broadcasting in the province; regulations on technological and exploitative conditions for conditionally-used radio equipment
b.    Performing annual inspections and check towards organisations and individuals using radio frequency and radio network transmitters of private radio communication, radio broadcasters with limited operation scope in the province. Coordinating with the local organisations of radio frequency to inspect and check other network stations as scheduled and unscheduled
c.    Penalising any administrative law violations of organisations and individuals in using radio frequency and television transmitters in the province under the Department’s jurisdiction

11.    About copyright, piracy, and intellectual property

a.    Organising the implementations of the regulations of copyright law and piracy for the press and publications; the copyright law on information technology and communications products and services; intellectual property rights for information and communications inventions in the local areas;

b.    Implementing measures to protect legitimacy in the field of copyright, piracy, and intellectual property in the province as prescribed by law;

c.    Guiding to protect the rights in the field of copyright, piracy, and intellectual property for different professional areas, local business, social organisations, and citizens for products and services under the Department’s jurisdiction in the area.

12.    Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management for enterprises, economic organisations, and private sectors; guiding and inspecting activities of non-governmental associations and organisations in the fields of information and communication in the province as prescribed by the law.

13.    Guiding and checking the implementations of the autonomy and self-responsibility of public sectors under the management of the Department of Information and Communications as prescribed by law

14.    Providing professional guidance and specialised skills in the fields of information and communication for the Office of Culture and Information of the People's Committees at district level;

15.    Performing duties in state management of public services in the field of information and communication

a.    Management of public services

For services under the authority of the Central Government: the Department collaboratively provides guidance to enterprises and associated units to develop plans and projects for service providers as well as monitor and supervise the implementation, report the outcomes performed in local areas under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
For public services under the local authority: the Department chairs and coordinates with the relevant departments to develop and submit plans and projects of service providers to the Provincial People's Committee for approval; organises and manages the implementation of plans and projects as prescribed by law;

b.    Conducting state management for other public services as prescribed by law
Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in organising communication service of the Party and State to serve national defense duty and security in foreign affairs; Information on disaster prevention and mitigation; information on safety and rescue, and other emergency information in the province as prescribed by law;

16.    Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in organising the communication service of the Party and State to serve national defense duty and security in foreign affairs; Information on disaster prevention and mitigation; information on safety and rescue, and other emergency information in the province as prescribed by law

17.    Performing state management tasks in investment projects in information and communication in accordance with the local regulations on investment and construction as assigned or delegated by the Provincial People's Committee

18.    Performing duties in developing and cooperating to form economic-technological standards in information and communication under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications

19.    Conducting research and applying scientific technological advances in building information system serving the state management and professional expertise in the field of information and communication; guiding the implementation of State regulations in applying technological standards, informing quality of products and services for enterprises in the field of information and communication in the province.

20.    Implementing administrative reform program of the Department in accordance with the objectives and administrative reform program of the Provincial People's Committee.

21.    Performing periodic and fortuitous reports on the implementation of assigned tasks in accordance with the regulations of the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Information and Communications; Conducting surveys, statistics; providing information on events, activities in the field of information and communication under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

22.    Managing and implementing international cooperation in the field of information and communication assigned by the Provincial People's Committee, and requested by the Ministry of Information and Communications as prescribed by law.

23.    Inspecting and dealing with complaints and denunciations against corruption; thrift practice and waste combat in the field of information and communications as prescribed by law and as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

24.    Defining the functions, duties, and authority of the office, inspectors, organisations, and units of the Department; managing organisational structure, personnel, the implementation of the wage, regime, remuneration, reward, or penalisation policies for officers, civil servants and employees under the authority of the Department; organising training and reinforcing programs in professional skills for civil servants and employees under the authority of the Department as prescribed by law.

25.    Managing allocated budget and properties, implementing the allocated budget as prescribed by law and as classified by the Provincial People's Committee.

26.    Performing other duties as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and as prescribed by law.

Department Organisation
1.    Leaders
Director: Trương Minh Thuần
Vice-Director: Phan Văn Ninh
Vice-Director: Trần Thanh Tâm

2.    Professional units and offices (or equivalent)
    Main office
    Inspection Office
    Office of Planning and Accountant
    Office of Post and Telecommunications
    Office of Information Technology
    Office of Press and Publications
3.    Other units of the Department
    Center of Information Technology and Communications Services
    Center of Information Technology


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